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Mr. Disaster #1

When Disaster Strikes

John Sloan, a.k.a. Mr. Disaster, was an employee of the mayor of Paradise City, Sid Ahwem, until he was betrayed and became the subject of countless science experiments. The result of these experiments turned Sloan into the first ever artificially created meta-human! He eventually escaped from captivity with the help of his friends- Braun Rodman, an ex-engineer for the mayor, and Pat Makowski, Sloan's partner who died in the process. Now, Sloan is a fugitive meta-human in a city where it is illegal to be meta-human and he has only one thing left on his mind; revenge!... sort of.


Written by:

Tom McKnight


Art by:

Dirk Grobb



Lori McCrae



Page count: 16

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